Established in 1959, the Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church, Inc. located in Dunn, North Carolina is an icon in the Christian world with hundreds of churches and ministers ready to serve you. The Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church is a Full Service church organization that offers complete ministry. Located just off Interstate 95 in Dunn, North Carolina is the PFWB Resource Center, Ministry Development Center, Tabernacle, Retreat Center and Activities Building. Also located on our property is Crusader Youth Camp, our fully functional camp facility.
The Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church Inc. is about people: People who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ; people who are seeking daily to bring glory to the head of the Church, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. A church must place its doctrines, standards of practice, and policy within the grasp of its people.
Our Church accepts all the major doctrines of evangelical orthodoxy, but we have a definite commitment to proclaim the doctrine of Christian holiness and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We believe these are necessary experiences and provide the scriptural way of life for the Christian. The unregenerate desperately need a standard of human existence to benefit society. Let us provide the example in the united witness of faith in Christ through righteous living.
The Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church is a Christian organization offering a variety of ministries for every member of the family and every segment of society. Our main ministry departments in equipping churches are Missions, Discipleship and Pastoral. As an organization, we provide a covering for all clergy and churches of the PFWB.